13th – 17th of May 2024, Hangzhou, China
Joint event for the eight Sino-European projects funded by the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe (JPI Urban Europe) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in the Sino-European call of the ERA-Net Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) (EC grant 875022). The joint event offers the project partners an opportunity to meet each other for knowledge sharing, strategic discussions and exchanges on impact, and learning from the projects’ research and experiences so far. Furthermore, information about communication, support activities and requirements for the coming years will be discussed. The event is an opportunity for networking and community building among the eight Sino-European projects funded by JPI Urban Europe and NSFC. There is also an internal meeting for EU and Chinese partners.
Franco made the presentation for project “Improved urban mobility toward climate neutrality under new working habits and transport modes (IMUMCN).
Kang and IRESS members present the poster for the latest progress of IMUMCN project.
Attendees had visited the Alibaba headquarters and listened to the introduction of Alibaba’s development history and technology.